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Strategic planning workshop for the Afghan Midwives Association
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Over 750 people participated across the country in the 10th Annual congress with many expressing huge thanks for the opportunity and all the help they received. The Afghan Midwives Association (AMA) 10th annual congress was conducted on 29-30 October 2014, (7-8 Aqrab 1393) at Paiwand-i-Qalbha Hall,Kabul, Afghanistan. The congress was organized with the generous financial support of United Nation Fund Population Agency (UNFPA), in collaboration with Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and other AMA partners. Almost 700 Midwives out of 750 participants’ attended this annual congress. BPHS implementers and AMA partners sponsored these 700 midwives from 34 provinces of Afghanistan. The AMA theme for this year was “Improving Mothers` and Newborn`s Health” This congress was designed to provide midwives as health care professionals with important concepts and methods and to improve quality of services by updating their clinical knowledge and skills according to evidence-based practices. Beside, Midwives from whole the Afghanistan attended this unique forum to share excellence in practice and knowledge, learn about the challenges facing midwifery across the continents, and enjoy mutual support amongst colleagues. Many have described it as their best experience of learning and updating their knowledge. Topics included to train midwives on the recent evidence based clinical practices, based on national needs, plenary sessions with a special focus on the Core Characteristics of the Practice of Midwifery, Strategic Plan for Breast & Cervical Cancers 2014-2016, maternity care including patient safety, Afghanistan Midwifery and Nursing Council. The congress also offered some clinicians topics in Family planning, Helping Babies Breathe…