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- Shahr-e-Naw Shahid Road, Near to Ahmad Yar Oil Pump, House#59, District#10, Kabul-Afghanistan
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311 midwives from Kabul and provinces with 85 honored guests participate in congress from 1 st to 2 nd May, 2007 in In-saf Hotel. Kabul, Afghanistan The congress began by recitation of the holy Qurhan by one of midwives. Review of the congress schedule. Dr. Nadera Ayat Borhani Deputy Minister of Public Health opened the congress. USAID Representative presented thespeech, after that Pashtoon Azfar the AMA President presented the AMA reports. After a short break RH director discussed about that How MOPH can support the AMA? After the discussion Dr. Mahruf Sameh from AFSOG presented his message, Dr, Saleh Moh. Rahman from pediatrician Association presented his Message and Guljan Jala from midwifery and nursing presented her Message.